Stepford Knives – “Blue in the Face” / “I Don’t Want Her”Review by Richard Rossi

Stepford Knives are Jamie Hooverand Otis Hughes. Their new single is a winner in more ways than one. This is pop music at it’s best and most effective – appropriately delivered on blue vinyl. Even the cover artwork is colorful and expressive.

“Blue in the Face” is the “A” side, hence the blue vinyl. For those who like their pop on the cerebral side, this is the track for you. The disjointed nature of the composition can make you squirm a bit, making it perfect for a theme that’s uncomfortable. Not unlike those Partridge/Moulding compositions of yesteryear, Hughes and Hoover aren’t afraid to shake things up a bit – or take the pop formula and turn it on it’s head.

By contrast, the “B” side is pure radio friendly power pop. Sponetones fans will absolutely dig “I Don’t Want Her (Anymore)” with it’s bounce, guitar jangle and catchy chorus. Roll the car window down and turn it up.

Steve Stoeckel plays ukulele on the “A” side, which is pretty cool. And the cover artwork by Issa Ibraham expresses an angst that’s befitting of the “A” side.

Steford Knives’ “Blue in the Face” / “I Don’t Want Her (Anymore)” is available on blue vinyl or digitally through CD Baby. Get the vinyl while supplies last.-Richard ROSSI 2/12/20

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